Update June 2, 2011 - FEMA announces release of HAZUS-MH 2.0 ...
The 2.0 release includes many improvements to the usability and functionality of the software including, but not limited to:
A new coastal storm surge modeling capability integrating two industry standard models (SLOSH and SWAN), which now allows HAZUS to predict the physical and economic impacts of hurricane scenarios on coastal flood regions. In addition to estimating the separate impacts of coastal flooding and high winds, the coastal surge scenario methodology also estimates the combined economic losses to the general building stock in a manner that avoids double counting of flood and wind losses.
With HAZUS-MH 2.0, the CDMS tool has been integrated with HAZUS. CDMS will no longer be handled as a distinct product requiring users to obtain and install it separately. It will automatically be added when installing HAZUS, thus making it easier for users to take advantage of the tool’s data management capabilities. HAZUS-MH 2.0 is now compatible with ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 1. MORE INFO ...
Order the latest version of HAZUSs-MH 2.0 free-of-charge on-line by visiting the FEMA Map Service Center (MSC) Web Store at http://msc.fema.gov.
Previously ...
The following was taken from a recent email distributed from the Florida HAZUS User Group ...
"For those that couldn't be on some of the other State calls lately (namely NC and SC calls), more info about HAZUS 2.0 has been "released". Below are notes from the SC calls. Thanks to ChrisZ from the FLHUG for the info.
April 28, 2011 – South Carolina HAZUS User Group Call with HAZUS 2.0 Overview
Melissa Berry (SC HUG president) provided overview of national and South Carolina activities. Call today was recorded as a podcast (looking for a link?).
HAZUS 2.0 Overview
David Adler and Adam Campbell from ZAI presented major changes and updates to HAZUS:
Timeline: HAZUS 2.0 should be out by end of May (or early June if there’s a problem with last phase of testing). Can pre-order through the Map Service Center (may have to create an account if necessary).
3 Big Changes
1) Coastal Storm surge modeling which incorporates SLOSH and SWAN models. No real changes to the flood and hurricane (wind) modules but the function of the surge model will remove the duplication/overlap of damages from each of the models run nseparately. There’s a bit of limitation in the fact that this consequences consolidation is only performed for building, contents, and inventory (not other HAZUS outputs such as agriculture).
2) HAZUS 2.0 is compatible with ArcGIS 10, SP1. If you have Arc 9.3.1 only, you will still need to use MR5 for analysis.
3) Upgrading of the development environment. End users will not really notice this per se but the first major chunk of background work has been done to allow the backend technology to be upgraded with subsequent releases of the software.
Release Notes will have all the changes and bug fixes but here are other items of significance that were discussed:
- User Defined Facilities and Essential Facilities will no longer have their lat/lon entries truncated to three places. Will take the full digits provided by the user which will give more accurate location.
- CDMS can be thought of as the 4th module of the software now and runs natively in the HAZUS product as opposed to separate software distributed at the same time as a major release. There should be no impact to the functionality of the two state CDMS web portals (Florida and South Carolina).
- Flood shelter analysis has been optimized to run faster and work better with large data sets.
- Return periods in the flood module have been adjusted (previously 10, 50, 100, 200, and 500…now the 200 has been replaced by a 25yr so you have 10, 25, 50, 100, 500)
- There is now a utility to help with extracting HPR data. You now have the ability to extract certain tables and fields from HPRs. This and other utilities are located in “bin\flood\utils”.
- Tree coverage and terrain roughness have been updated based on new national land cover data
- Updates to the historical storms in the northeast have been updated."
Labels: HAZUS 2.0
Hi - I just tried to install the new version of HAZUS (2.0), but it will not let me uninstall the old version because I no longer have Arc 9.3. Do I have to reinstall 9.3 in order to uninstall HAZUS MR5, then reinstall Arc 10 to install HAZUS 2.0?
Sorry I've not heard this one yet and cannot answer ... I did post your question to the HAZUS Group on Linkedin ... http://www.linkedin.com/
You could also check witrh the FEMA HAZUS Help Line ... https://support.hazus.us.
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